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21st Century Radionics – English

Nick Franks 21st Century Radionics Cover


September 2022: 21st Century Radionics: New Horizons in Vibrational Medicine 2nd edition. ISBN 978-0-9573111-2-1

The first edition was published in July 2012 after nearly four years of work. The second edition has many expansions of the text, rewrites of some chapters, general clarifications, and developments of themes. The general purport and ideas of the first edition remain intact, however, and the underlying concepts originally proposed have not changed in any significant aspect.

A general description of the book: Radionics is a sometimes-controversial therapeutic modality which combines Radiesthesia with the use of psychoactivated codes, symbols and instruments. This system supports and amplifies the practitioner’s healing intention, allowing analysis and treatment at a distance; practitioner and patient may be on opposite sides of the planet. Beginning with the work of Dr. Albert Abrams (1863 – 1924), Radionics has developed such that it may be used to treat not only humans but also animals, crops and soils, and, potentially, the ecosphere itself. The basis is the contention that human consciousness can influence the action of Nature to positive effect.

21st Century Radionics, focusing on human Radionics, serves two purposes. The first is to give an outline of the concepts, methods and techniques used in Radionic practice. This includes an overview of dowsing and the Radiesthesic sense; an extended model of the human Subtle Anatomy – the complex of energy and information fields which underlie the physical body; a description of the wide range of stressors that may compromise this field and produce illness; and techniques which might be used to normalise disturbed fields – in short, techniques of analysis and treatment. Techniques for making Radionic codes and Rates are discussed, as is the important area of remedy synthesis – the encoding of vibrational remedies such as homoeopathics into carrier materials such as water or sac lac.

The second purpose is the attempt to address the central question ‘how could it possibly work?’ To answer the author combines insights from thinkers such as Jung, Maslow, Bohm and Sheldrake with ideas drawn from Quantum Mechanics and other areas of present-day science. The attempt to answer this question suggests a rethink of fundamental ideas about man, Nature, and the origins of what we perceive to be reality. In response to critiques of Radionics which claim it is some form of magic or chicanery, the author proposes that its techniques arise from the inner structure of Nature itself, supporting the contention of Richard Gerber M.D. that ‘Radionics is certainly the strangest of all vibrational-medicine approaches, but is one that may ultimately teach us the most about the vibrational nature of healing and human consciousness itself.’

The book is available from Nick directly ( and the usual distribution outlets such as amazon. In the USA it is available through

21st Century Radionics is divided into 16 Chapters.

Chapter 1, WHAT IS RADIONICS, gives a general overview of Radionic practice, considered from both technical and theoretical perspectives. In short, what the practitioner does, and hopes to achieve, through Radionic treatment. The underlying concept is that the material world emerges from much deeper organisational fields which originate in the interaction of consciousness and energy. These combine to produce a range of formative forces, which in turn bring about the emergence of the physical world. Radiesthesic methods allow a degree of investigation of this inner reality, according to the abilities and talents of the dowser. These techniques are central to Radionic work, being used in both analysis and treatment of the patient and the development of Radionic codes.

Chapter 2, RADIONICS IN THE CONTEXT OF RADIESTHESIA, looks at the general concept of ESP (Extended Sensory Perception), the idea that human consciousness can penetrate further into reality than allowed by the use of the five senses. General examples of Radiesthesic operations are given from the work of various dowsers, notably the illustrious Abbé Mermet.

Chapter 3, RADIESTHESIA IN THE CONTEXT OF RADIONICS, expands upon the discussion set out in Chapter 2, and indicates some ways in which radiesthesic techniques have been used in Radionics. The theme of a ‘deeper’ reality is developed, incorporating certain ideas from Carl Jung and Rupert Sheldrake, amongst others. The Chapter concludes with a section on the relationship between religion and dowsing.

Chapter 4, ORGANISATION OF PERCEPTION AND MENTAL FOCUS IN RADIONICS, studies further the question of the existence and nature of an underlying reality. The barrier between conscious and subconscious perception is discussed. Some basic techniques used in Radionics to organise perception, and the use of these in querying levels of reality normally below the threshold of conscious perception, are described.

Chapter 5, DAVID TANSLEY AND THE DEMATERIALIZATION OF RADIONICS, discusses the development of Radionics from the largely ‘physical’ approach of pioneers such as Ruth Drown through to the introduction of an esoteric model of the human system by David Tansley in the 1970s. Ideas in Radionics conflict strongly with the materialist model proposed by present-day science, and there is some discussion about evolution, in particular, neo-Darwinism.

Chapter 6, HUMAN SUBTLE ANATOMY, commences by questioning certain aspects of Tansley’s view as to the objectives of Radionics and attempts to re-establish it centrally as a therapeutic discipline. An outline model of the human Subtle Anatomy then follows, discussing, in general terms, the basic divisions – the Subtle Bodies. These are somewhat recontextualized by presenting them in experiential and psychological terms, as to opposed to the rather severe esoteric model proposed by Tansley.

Chapter 7, THE ETHERIC BODY, studies the role of the Etheric field as the absolutely detailed counterpart of the physical body. The Etheric Body is seen as the means of translation of formative forces into physical form. In this context the role of concepts found in Quantum Mechanics – such as the collapse of the wave function – are introduced as a possible aspect of the action of the Etheric Body. Here an attempt is made to fuse esoteric and scientific concepts into a new and potentially rather powerful model. The work of Harold Saxton Burr is described and a correlation between Burr’s L-Fields (Life Fields) and Sheldrake’s morphic fields is suggested.

Chapter 8, RAYS, CHAKRAS AND THE AURA, looks at the role of these vibrational phenomena and energetic structures in the human Subtle Anatomy. The psychological model proposed by Maslow is somewhat equated with the development of the Chakras. There is a discussion of Chakras and the Nadis.

Chapters 9 and 10, DISEASED ENERGY, outline 12 categories of disturbance that may lead to the production of the symptoms indicative of illness. The central concept is that illness results when an impact to the Subtle Anatomy and Vital Force is so strong that they cannot self-correct. The 12 categories include various sub-categories; these, taken together with the Locations in the Subtle Anatomy described in the previous Chapters, provide the basis for an in-depth energetic analysis of the patient.

Chapter 11, DISEASED ENERGY – MIASMS AND MIASMATIC INHIBITION, studies the Miasm concept introduced by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy. A great deal of mystery and confusion surrounds this concept; the objective is to clarify the situation and also introduce a new idea about the nature of the ‘classical’ Miasms, considered from a Radionic point of view.

Chapter 12, ANALYSIS, discusses methods of, and approaches to, Radionic analysis and the means by which they can lead to a deeper understanding of the central causes of illness in the patient.

Chapter 13, TREATMENT, discusses methods of treatment in Radionics and describes the two fundamental categories of energetic pattern described by Radionic codes.

Chapter 14, INSTRUMENTS AND CODES, explains the use and value of Radionic instruments. It also seeks to clarify some basic concepts of etheric engineering to be used in the design of such instruments. Some problems in the development of Radionic coding systems are given, with examples of different types of coding method.

Chapter 15, REMEDY SIMULATION AND THE RADIONIC MODEL, considers the matter of Radionic synthesis (manufacture) of homoeopathic and other remedies by imprinting the energy pattern into carrier materials such as water. Through a study of this problem a further deep insight into the relationship between physical matter, consciousness, and the underlying formative forces is suggested. As noted, this generally proposes that the physical Universe at every level, including biological evolution, arises through the dynamic and ongoing interplay of underlying principles; and in addition, that Radionics is a means by which the practitioner can participate, to a certain degree, in this process.

Chapter 16, RADIONICS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PRESENT AGE, continues the discussion set out in the preceding Chapter and concludes the book by again considering the implications of the Radionic model for scientific materialism. The author’s view is that Radionics is not some form of supernaturalism or magic but is a technique which arises from the very structure of Nature. This viewpoint contrasts strongly with scientific materialism and the contradiction between the two is discussed to a certain extent. On the one hand Radionics considers the Universe to be an interactive conscious organism, whereas materialistic science presents the Universe as being comprised of dead matter which somehow manages to spontaneously develop into complex forms such as life without any vivifying or organising principle.

Finishing the book without any didactic conclusion, the author leaves the question in the reader’s mind for further consideration. 21st Century Radionics also contains 37 Figures, 4 Tables, Introduction, Index, Bibliography, and various colour plates.